Friday, March 14, 2008

Two Men and a Truck

My Dad (the "Original" Fred Bueto, as he likes to be called) and I got started a day late because there was a little more to load than we anticipated.  But after a trip to U-haul for a trailer to pull behind the van, and then another trip to U-haul to get a bigger trailer, we finally hit the road on Friday afternoon.  (No, we are not wearing those hats all the way to Cali.  I just thought it was funny. Pierce will be coming Wednesday via Continental Airlines.)  We spent our first night in Meridian, MS.  (I had to at least get out of the state so my pride would stay in tact.) We'll head toward Dallas tomorrow on I-20.  I know that many of you well traveled types are wondering why we are not taking I-40 from Memphis.  We noticed some bad weather, including snow storms on that path, and decided to take the journey South. 

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Hey Fred! I found you guys! I have been wondering how you all were, haven't gotten a Christmas card in years! Didn't even know about little Pierce! So awesome! It appears you are moving to California! Wow!!! Are you pastoring the church in the photo? Fill me in when you have time. I miss you all! Hi to Kim and the kiddos! Tammy (